to anyone wondering how you get to be a baby 'expert' with no qualifications... hmmmmmmm.
to anyone who has a tune stuck in their head... it's driving me NUTS!
to anyone who wakes up and makes promises to themselves that they will be patient with their small children all day today but then finds themselves in a monumental battle of wills and screeching before breakfast has even started. Oh for a lie-in and someone else to do the tough stuff...!
to anyone who has a couple of weeks to drop a few pounds... but who probably hasn't got the will-power to be bothered!
to anyone counting down the days. 119 crossed off, 14 to go...!
to anyone who's got a urge for peanut butter sandwiches!
to anyone who is waiting for their cornflowers to flower.
to anyone who has just made biscuits.
to anyone who has just changed their life by doing such a simple thing.
to anyone who really is working hard not to judge people's outside by how they feel inside.
to anyone waiting for inspiration.
to anyone on a post-performance high!
to anyone who has had enough of drizzle. This is ridiculous.
to anyone whose Wedding Anniversary it is today. Congratulations!
to anyone who is grumpy and frustrated.
to anyone sang songs with a well-known, musical TV 'personality' in their house last night - whilst he played a pink guitar! Surreal just doesn't cover it!
to anyone who won't be able to sleep cos they had such fun this evening (and maybe just a smidge too much bubbly!!!)
to anyone who has someone famous coming to their house this evening! Eeeek!
to anyone whose rambling rose has just burst into bloom... gorgeous.
to anyone who thought that painting a kiddies wicker chair would be a 'quick job'. Wrong!!!
to anyone who redesigns the layout of their (rented) house in the shower just in case it comes up for sale! Yup, I'd be knocking a lot of walls down, moving stairs, extending into outside sheds and generally making much more of the place than I've got at the moment!
to anyone for whom it takes the threat of TV cameras in your house (eek, next Wednesday) to get things like hems on blinds sewn up (after at least 18 months!), pictures put up onto walls and crayon scrubbed off them! Bring it.
to anyone who LOVED today's Google banner - lovely Total Eclipse of the Moon to play with.
to anyone who did someone a favour and now wishes they hadn't.
to anyone who has just trimmed an unruly hedge into a smart, sharp looking thang!
to anyone who got rained on today.
to anyone who doesn't know why they keep persevering with basic mozarella... it's tasteless and expensive unless it is buffalo (when it then becomes utterly, utterly delicious)!
to anyone who dreams of sleep during the day but then can't seem to DO sleeping at bedtime... argh, so frustrating.
to anyone who has had a busy, social week!
to anyone who reads this... should I keep going?!! Or is this a pointless exercise?
to anoyone who is drinking and posting... tee hee heee!
to anyone who stupidly left the Sudocrem in reach of a small child - hello Ghosty!
to anyone who doesn't live in their own home but who still digs in a garden full of flowers wherever they are and for however long it may be.
to anyone who really needs to mow the lawn, but who is going to have a large glass of wine instead!
to anyone who thinks that their husband is a VERY lucky man. I've just realised that what I really want is a wife!
to anyone who misses climbing trees.
to anyone who has had a lie-in, a proper, genuine, sleep til 10am lie-in, for the first time in a loooooooong time!
to anyone who misses climbing trees.
to anyone who is off on holiday... a proper, real, genuine, only-taking-one-of-the-kids holiday. Bring it!!
to anyone who is worried they've just had their first hayfever sneeze of the year - please, no, not that!
to anyone who had roast chicken for supper.
to anyone who has just made a lovely cover for their Kindle!
to anyone who's had just a smidgeon too much to drink at lunchtime! Hic....
to anyone who is in awe of nature upon noticing a dandlion life - one minute it's yellow and then you look back and it's all white and fluffy and ready to catch the next puff of wind. Why is it so determined to seed itself? Are they planning to take over the world?!
to anyone who just LOVED the Royal Wedding today - wonderful, just wonderful.
to anyone who has a wonderful family to share the burden with.
to anyone who is a single parent - maximum respect to you... at least my sole parenting is only for a set time due to work and I know that I have a strong, handsome, vaguely thoughtful, kind, funny (ish), sensible man coming back to me. How you do it alone forever I do not know, hence the respect.
to anyone who has just bought a Kindle with the money they made from backing the winner of the Grand National... good-bye paperback, will I miss you?!
to anyone whose hands are dry, dry, dry - no matter what 'miracle' handcream they fall for.
to anyone who has a sore thumb from the silliest, tiniest cut... ow!
to anyone who's had to give someone some home truths.
to anyone who has something exciting coming up in the not-too-distant future to do with singing!
to my lovely, first-ever follower - hello you, you follower you!!
to anyone who sometimes senses the black dog lurking in the far distance - the relief when it slips back over the hill and out of sight is immense.
to anyone with a cracking headache.
to anyone who has just baked biscuits with their child and who is now going to have to work hard not to scoff them all when peckish after the kids are in bed
to anyone who really hates 'text speak' in emails etc. No, it's not gr8 and I didn't LMAO!
to anyone who has just so stupidly drained the result of lovingly poached chicken bones, veggies and herbs straight down the drain... I was looking forward to soup made with real stock. This really has been a day to forget.
to anyone whose get-up-and-go has got up and gone!
to anyone who has enjoyed sitting in the garden listening to the birds sing at dusk - but who doesn't appreciate their chorus quite so much at dawn!
to anyone who is finding it all a bit relentless at the moment
to anyone who had forgotten how goooooood biltong is... can't stop snacking on it!!
to anyone who has unexpectedly landed themselves a task which they think could be both liberating and binding at the same time.
to anyone who feels better when they put on a thick pair of socks
to anyone who is filled with pride because of someone else's achievment.
to anyone who is being summoned rather imperiously by their middle bubba from the bedroom... man she's so BOSSY!
to anyone for whom it took becoming a Mother to realise how hard and rewarding and painful and funny and boring and exciting and , and, and your own Mother's life has been... and that she and you and all other Mothers should always have a capital 'M'!!
to anyone who fancies sausages and mash for lunch!
to anyone who's got sore fingers cos they FINALLY started hand-quilting their first ever quilt!!
to anyone who is missing someone.
to anyone who is in a drizzle-filled location today... puts a dampener on life!
to anyone who is proud of their planters this year - lovely tulip and pansy explosions going on in my garden at the moment!
to anyone who has just run out of puff completely and is feeling flat....
to all 7 of you who've read this blog... I thank you!!
to anyone who has a daughter who has FINALLY come around to eggs as a food option... hurrah - easy meals here we come!
to anyone who started to hand-sew a their first-ever patchwork last June, finished it in September, looked at it a lot, sandwiched it in November, finally basted it in February and who has been too terrified since then to start hand-quilting it... and so has done some practice quilting in the last couple of days and who now has very sore fingers and is a bit overwhelmed that she has a queen-sized quilt to quilt somehow!! This one's gonna take a long old time....
to anyone who woke up grumpy today!
to anyone who has newly washed bedclothes to dive into tonight - can't WAIT for bed!
to anyone who has FINALLY got round to planting their sweet peas. Strong may they grow!!
to anyone who has just sat out on the deck for lunch - strong, lovely sunshine in mid-March... it inspired me to garden!
to anyone who is finding the house lacking a certain something now that their beloved has deployed... it seems very quiet!
to anyone whose bubba has a horrid mouth full of ulcers and to whom you are utterly sympathetic but whom you can't quite believe needs to sit on your lap QUITE so much!!
to anyone with chapped lips!
to anyone who has a completely dippy husband... particularly if he went to the wrong airport and therefore missed his flight - and he only has 6 days before he deploys to Afghanistan. Boo to one less evening together.
to anyone who has freckles from a sunny skiing holiday!
to anyone who has misjudged time so much that they now need to get a passport on quick turnaround!
to anyone facing ANOTHER week without their other half around... roll on Friday!
to anyone who is so relieved to see daffodils poking up through the grass - Spring really is coming. Phew - for a while there I thought we were going to be in the bare-branch darkness of Winter forever!!
to anyone who has a pretty bare-looking cupboard cos they haven't organised Sainsbury's to deliver yet this week!
to anyone who has something important that they keep meaning to do but keep forgetting slash ignoring!
to anyone who has a blog no-one has read!
to anyone who hasn't had enough sleep just recently.
to anyone who needs to get their apple tree pruned.
to anyone who gets satisfaction from a well-loaded dishwasher (but who finds unloading and putting away such a bore that a stack of dirty dishes sits awaiting loading for too long!)
to anyone who feels squeamish about touching raw chicken!

Why 'Maybe Daily Dedications'...?

Because I'm a Full-time Mother of 3 and I can't always be sure I will have the time off from fetching/carrying/picking up/wiping/washing/screeching/crying (mine and theirs!)/teasing/tickling/thanking-god-for-CBeebies/cooking/crying (again)/nappy-changing/laughing (with and at)/sleeping/waking/loving and all manner of other things that conspire to distract me!

Welcome to Maybe Daily Dedications

I keep getting ideas of dedicating posts to people who are in the same boat as me... I can't be bothered to twitter and my facebook status is updated too frequently to get enough views. So, to start, here is my first dedication:

to anyone who has a pot of broken china that one day they are going to glue together to remake that teapot lid/butter dish/teacup.

Blogs I read