to anyone who has misjudged time so much that they now need to get a passport on quick turnaround!
to anyone facing ANOTHER week without their other half around... roll on Friday!
to anyone who is so relieved to see daffodils poking up through the grass - Spring really is coming. Phew - for a while there I thought we were going to be in the bare-branch darkness of Winter forever!!
to anyone who has a pretty bare-looking cupboard cos they haven't organised Sainsbury's to deliver yet this week!
to anyone who has something important that they keep meaning to do but keep forgetting slash ignoring!
to anyone who has a blog no-one has read!
to anyone who hasn't had enough sleep just recently.
to anyone who needs to get their apple tree pruned.
to anyone who gets satisfaction from a well-loaded dishwasher (but who finds unloading and putting away such a bore that a stack of dirty dishes sits awaiting loading for too long!)
to anyone who feels squeamish about touching raw chicken!

Why 'Maybe Daily Dedications'...?

Because I'm a Full-time Mother of 3 and I can't always be sure I will have the time off from fetching/carrying/picking up/wiping/washing/screeching/crying (mine and theirs!)/teasing/tickling/thanking-god-for-CBeebies/cooking/crying (again)/nappy-changing/laughing (with and at)/sleeping/waking/loving and all manner of other things that conspire to distract me!

Welcome to Maybe Daily Dedications

I keep getting ideas of dedicating posts to people who are in the same boat as me... I can't be bothered to twitter and my facebook status is updated too frequently to get enough views. So, to start, here is my first dedication:

to anyone who has a pot of broken china that one day they are going to glue together to remake that teapot lid/butter dish/teacup.

Blogs I read